After a few weeks of hard work, here is finally my first Unity 3D game ! “Survival Island : Developer’s Cut” is actually a (slightly) improved version of the example project associated with the awesome learning book from Will Goldstone : “Unity 3.x Game Development essentials”.
This book covers all the basics as well as advanced techniques and I warmly recommend it to anyone willing to develop their own games with Unity 3D. By the way, the author is working at Unity Technologies (the makers of Unity 3D) and is in charge of the new learning section of the official website.
My goal with this game was to learn the basics of Unity 3D by producing an actual game. Then start creating original games with more confidence.
As a result, the game itself is far from being perfect and can be covered in 10 minutes or so. Not the new Far Cry of course…
Anyway, I threw in some extra stuff, just for fun:
- New items and world features;
- 2 original endings (instead of the one from the book);
- Localization (English & French);
- Ability to run (to make the exploration of the island less painful :-));
- Several code optimizations;
- Better water effects.
- Performance optimizations;
- Decent swimming and underwater simulation;
- Lolcats.
You can play the game right now in your Web browser or download it for a better graphics experience:
Please leave a comment and share your thoughts about the game !
And if you are about to leave some negative and unconstructive criticism, please watch this video before you do.
I’m going through this book now and was thinking of ways I could add features to the island as well. I like what you did with this one, especially with the ****SPOILER ALERT**** ship rescue. Clever use of the Concordia, too. And I did not find the treasure yet, haha. ****END SPOILER****
Only criticism I could level is that it looks like you moved the position of the sun after baking your shadows to the scene? That or the shadows just don’t line up with the skybox’s sun. All in all, though, great job, and thanks for sharing.